What’s the story…
Tóki is the distant Scandinavian Old Norst name which my surname is derived from.
Each Tóki knife spends hours in my hands as each one is created; from cutting the steel, shaping the blade and fitting the handle in my small workshop in Auckland, New Zealand. Each one unique and each with it’s own personality and details.
Tóki started primarily from a love of cooking and my attention to form and design when it comes to the tools that I use, making knives is something that I had thought about for a long while.
It really got started during the first New Zealand COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, I found myself with a heap of spare time. I’ve never been one to sit around, I always have a number of projects, always building things, looking for a challenge and working away at something, so with scavenged materials, I set myself the task of making a kitchen knife.
After broken drill bits, dust, sparks, fire and plenty of literal blood, sweat (and nearly tears), my first knife was created.
I was hooked.
Today, I have a range of handmade knives for sale and strive to create the best in a fine piece to add to your kitchen collection. Whether you’re a home cook or professional, I believe using high quality, sharp, well designed knives can really create an enjoyable experience which makes you want to cook more and more.
Chris Tuckey,
Designer and maker,
Tóki Cutlery