Toki Cutlery Header

Tóki knives are built with quality materials from the steel itself to the handle materials and the hand made pins, they’re constructed with the intention that they last, ready to be passed on to the next generation which is something that can’t be said for many products in these times.


The metallurgy of the steel, the final hardness, angles, edge thicknesss, the knife’s purpose in the kitchen – all of these things exist at an intersection that determines how the edge will perform. The goal is for every knife to be as sharp as possible and hard enough to retain that edge well. At the same time, the steel should be not so hard that it’s brittle or difficult to sharpen. This is the balancing act that I play with every knife to get you the best performing edge.


Every one of the knives I make is built by hand and every one is a little different, each with character and a unique appearance. Even when made of a standard pattern, minute differences exist and those differences are what makes that knife *your* knife.


Balance in a knife is crucial, a good chefs knife should be light and nimble for fine work but with enough heft for the tough jobs.A thin tip for slicing thin strips of garlic, and authority at the heel for slicing root vegetables all day. My knives are shaped and tuned to balance around the heel, around-about where you’d be holding the knife in a pinch grip.


Each of my knives comes with a lifetime warranty protecting them from defects in materials and workmanship. I can fairly confidently say you should never need this but if you have any doubts, know that I will repair or replace any knife found to have a defect.

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